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Sacred Self-Care: Navigating Motherhood's Spiritual Journey

Writer: Ash P SawAsh P Saw

If you know me, and if you come to know me, you know I'm all about the signs. I have been getting a sign lately to take care of myself, to put me before everything. Honestly, it's been a weird sign considering I just had a baby 4 months ago, have a 3-year-old toddler, a husband, and a dog.

I didn't take it seriously at first, then my blood pressure skyrocketed at my doctor's office, which set off an alarm when I was 6 weeks postpartum. The doctor felt it could have been postpartum preeclampsia.

It didn't stop there. I would have random people tell me, when they found out I had small children, to make sure I take care of myself. They would say it repeatedly with this deep look in their eyes. Was it their own past experience that they saw within myself? I don't know. I definitely know that they were messengers sent because it was coming up everywhere. From things I was watching, to turning on the radio and a guest on the radio saying it, to reading something random and it coming up.

The whole message that I was getting is that I had to take care of me over everything. A lot of opportunities are going to start to appear, and I need to make sure that I take care of myself starting now. It was also giving me a feeling that the more I'm taking care of myself, the faster I would be able to receive information on the opportunities arising.

Recognizing the Call to Self-Nurture

Taking alone time for yourself to relax. What I do as a mom is I am working on fitting in my baths, naps, walks, and my goals. Especially when my husband gets home from work. I do know I need to get better and really make time when he gets home to step away from it all, no matter if I'm relaxing or just doing something for me.

Nurturing Self amidst Motherhood

Why is it so hard to put me before everything?

Reason# 1: reason is because I have a 7-month-old. He is new to this world, he needs his mom. I definitely don't want to neglect him by no means.

Higher Perspective: I can have it now; I just have to manifest it. Ask and you shall receive. If you can believe it, you can receive it. You have to keep trying to put him down a little bit more at a time. You are actually helping him.

Reason# 2 : My son, I feel guilty for not playing with him as much. Since the baby has been here and me trying to get energy back. Our playtime has been there but mostly on the back burner.

Higher perspective: Is that within life, things change and although I have to make time for my child's playtime together, it is also healthy that he learns how to play on his own. I need to set boundaries when it's playtime or mommy's time for the baby or for myself.

Reason #3: I'm a stay-at-home mom working on the beginning stages of our life work (business). I feel since I don't go out and bring a paycheck in, I need to make sure I'm putting enough time for that. Even though I'm not currently making money, the guilt is saying make sure you do your part.

Higher perspective: Life Work is a forever-going process; it will always be there. Do a little bit each day, and when my husband comes home, carve out some time just to work on the business. You don't have to try to do it all together. Remember you are doing your part, you are taking care of two small kids, one dog, cooking, cleaning, working on Life Work, being a wife, and taking care of yourself. Life works in cycles, enjoy this time because it won't last forever. Your babies won't always be babies, and your life work won't always be in the baby stage. This is your role now, embrace it.

Reason# 4: When my husband gets home, I feel guilty for saying here, take the babies, I need time for myself to work on the life work and or myself. He has been working all day, and I'm pretty sure he wants a break also. So it's hard to say hey it's your turn.

Higher Perspective: Yes, while everyone needs their own time to themselves, it's important that everyone carves out what that time would look like to them. My husband can't tell me what my alone time should consist of nor should I do that for him. I need to take my time and if he needs to take some time it's his job to express that to me. There is no guilt in saying I need my me time.

So if you are reading this, hopefully my experience sheds light onto your own in one way or another. If my answers are not your answers, be honest with yourself and ask your higher self what do I need to do in my situation to bring peace. In life there are no problems only creating new ways of being. Be Great, Be Authentic, Be You.


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